489 Commerce Drive, Madison, WI 53719
Phone: 608-800-2345
Email: wattshill@rousecommunity.com
489 Commerce Drive, Madison, WI 53719
Phone: 608-800-2345
Email: wattshill@rousecommunity.com
Conveniently situated at the corner of Watts Road and Commerce Drive just west of the Princeton Club and across the street from the Cortland Commons Shopping Center. A great location with close proximity to a lot of fantastic shops and dining venues. Beautiful views can be enjoyed from our well-appointed penthouse patio and community room.
Watts Hill Apartments is a must see in the search for your new home!
2B/ 2 Bath, Sq.Ft 1216, style-A, Sublet Term 10/27/2024-05/31/2025 Please call to find out about SPECIA DISCOUNT at 608-800-2345
1B/1Bath, Sq.Ft 795, Style D, Sublet Term 12/15/2024-07/31/2025 Please call for more information at 608-800-2345
Included with the rent is Water, Hot Water, Sewer & Trash Pick-Up
Please call or email us with any questions at (608) 800-2345 or wattshill@rousemgmt.com
Thanks for your interest in Watts Hill Apartments!
Post Office: Change of address form online: https://moversguide.usps.com/
Electric: Alliant Energy | 1-800-862-6222 | www.alliantenergy.com
Phone/Internet/Cable: TDS Telecom
Charter Spectrum | John at 414-285-8495 | www.spectrum.com
ResTech | 608-663-3868 | www.restechservices.net
Please view Madison Metro to get you on your way!